June has seen a new player attain "Player of the Month": Zeb!
Players of Months Past: Mark (May)
Mark (April)
Kat (March)
John (February)
Onto the after-action report. We had a big group this time! Unfortunately a few people had to be home earlier. But we got in a few games, a lot of snacks were consumed and a few surprising upsets occurred.
Attendees: Zeb, Brandt, Mark, Jarrod, Tanner, Josh and Joey.
Previous Overall Standings:
Zeb 5
Kyle 0
Erin -1
Joey -2
Mark -2
This Event's Standings:
Josh 6
Zeb 2
Mark 0
Joey 0
Brandt 0
Jarrod -4
Tanner -4
June's Overall Standings:
Zeb 7
Josh 6
Brandt 0
Kyle 0
Erin -1
Mark -2
Joey -2
Jarrod -4
Tanner -4
Zeb brought Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot tonight. Killer Bunnies was new to a few of us and it took a while for the game to get up to speed. Some of us were doomed to have a bunny or two throughout the game. Mark, however, won a bet and received five or six bunnies from the rest of the players. Mark then continued to receive bunnies in his draws and he appeared to be unstoppable. Tanner also began to accumulate a few of the coveted carrots. The game came down to a lot of players losing their bunnies at the last second and Brandt, who up until the end had no carrots, had accumulated a lot of Kaballa Dollas and received ALL of the bunny-less players' carrots. Brandt pulled off an astounding, out-of-nowhere victory!
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot Standings: Brandt 6, Zeb -1, Jarrod -1, Tanner -1, Mark -1, Joey -1, Josh -1
We then allowed Josh his "Playing with Us for the Last Time" priveledge of getting to pick his last game. Some of us were short on time so Josh picked Bang! I think this is the biggest game of Bang! that I've ever played. Josh turned out to be the Sheriff and right from the start there were some minor pot-shots being taken at neighboring players. I was pleased to see that both dynamite cards came out so quickly. But the little buggers refused to explode!! So when a couple of the players had to bow out and head home we decided to have the dynamite blow them up. We lost three players before we could finish the game and the remaining player, we deduced, was the only outlaw left and at a severe disadvantage. So Mark, the outlaw, surrendered in the cause of getting to play one more game. In the end, upholders of the law: Josh, Zeb and I saved the day from those no-good varmints.
Bang! Standings: Zeb 4, Josh 4, Joey 4, Mark 0, Jarrod -3, Tanner -3, Brandt -6
Zeb didn't care which game we played next and Mark and I were itching to play Nexus Ops with four players. What a different game with four players! You've really got to scratch for rubium. And there is a lot more going on than in a two- or three-player game. All in all, it went a bit long (for a game of Nexus Ops), but it was a lot of fun. For the first bit of the game, I was a distinct presence on the board and everyone thought that I was a shoe-in for the win. Then I was repelled and had to turtle just to stay alive. Then Josh surged out to the monolith and looked to be unstoppable, but then Mark crushed him and sent him back in shambles. Throughout the entire game, Zeb had a constant fortress of troops and his territory rarely changed shape. Zeb was well defended and chose his moves very carefully. Mark really rocketed forward in points and almost won, but Josh swooped in and attained victory!
Nexus Ops Standings: Josh 3, Mark 1, Zeb -1, Joey -3
With that Zeb is still on top of the leader board and has his pick next week. Well done! Zeb has consistently stayed at the top.
Images by Joey Belanger
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Game Night #18 and June's Player of the Month Named
Posted by Joe Belanger at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Game Night #17
Another slow start and small group, but we got a couple of games of Robo Rally in. I was in the mood for Robo Rally; so that really worked for me, if only I didn't suck at it BIG TIME.
Attendees: Erin, Zeb and Joey.
Previous Overall Standings:
Zeb 3
Joey 1
Kyle 0
Mark -2
Erin -2
This Event's Standings:
Zeb 2
Erin 1
Joey -3
June's Overall Standings:
Zeb 5
Kyle 0
Erin -1
Joey -2
Mark -2
It seemed that tonight was going to be a no show. So in cases such as this, Erin plays with me to make me feel less like a loser (harf!) I was next on the leader board, so I picked Robo Rally. Erin and I picked out a tame board and we were neck and neck for the first half of the race. Then Erin pushed me. It threw off the remainder of my 'bot's program and I went off into right field. To add insult to injury, she blasted me a couple of times and I had to shut down, just to keep things from getting worse than they already were. By the time I got back up and running, I managed to tag the half-way flag; just as Erin was crossing the finish line. Zeb showed up a few minutes prior to Erin's victorious finish.
Robo Rally Standings: Erin 1, Joey -1
Zeb was keen to play Robo Rally again and so was I, but Erin had some things to do. Which may or may not have been true. What is true is that Erin is not a big fan of Robo Rally. You can take that to the bank! Zeb and I picked out a more complex board configuration. We were nearly stymied from the start. There was a deadly loop of conveyor belts right near the start and if not navigated successfully would lead to certain death. I managed to get on and off the conveyors pretty quickly, but Zeb took another spin around before he could get off of them. I was just a smidge ahead of Zeb the entire game, until it came to the final rush for the finish line. Zeb squeezed ahead at the last second and the race was his. A very close, great game!
Robo Rally Standings: Zeb 1, Joey -1
With a little bit of time left, Zeb picked Jambo to play. I stink at this game and I found out why tonight. Both Erin and Zeb continuously buy and sell commodities. Whereas, I bide my time waiting for the "Big Combo". Do not wait for the big combo to come, it rarely does and it isn't enough to pull out a win. Zeb saw a steady flow of goods come to his market stand and leave his market stand. By the time Zeb reached sixty gold, I was barely at forty-seven. Zeb proved to be the master marketeer.
Jambo Standings: Zeb 1, Joey -1
So with Zeb still at the top of the leader board, it will be Zeb's turn to pick next week; as well as a challenge to keep him from attaining Player of the Month at this rate. Nicely done, Zeb!
Images by Joey Belanger
Posted by Joe Belanger at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Game Night #16
We had a slow start and a small group tonight, but we got in a couple of my favorite games.
Attendees: Erin, Kyle, Mark and Joey.
Previous Overall Standings:
Zeb 3
Joey -1
Mark -2
This Event's Standings:
Joey 2
Mark 0
Kyle 0
Erin -2
June's Overall Standings:
Zeb 3
Joey 1
Kyle 0
Mark -2
Erin -2
We started off by playing Arkham Horror. We figured if anyone else showed up we could include them on the fly with minimal tweaking. Mark and I started off the game. Mark playing Monterey Jack and I played the doctor guy. We were up against Yog-Sothoth. About and hour or so into the game three things happened: 1.) Mark got a call with a minor emergency that he had to attend to. 2.) Things seriously took a turn for the worse in the game. and 3.) Kyle showed up. Mark tapped the mat and Kyle tagged in. Mark took off to deal with a deadlier threat than Yog. It wasn't long before we went from worse to even worse. Kyle and I then were shortly thereafter devoured by Yog-Sothoth. It was a pretty hopeless game of Arkham Horror. No one scored, because we became Yog-food.
Arkham Horror Standings: Kyle 0, Joey 0, Mark 0
After that we went on to play Formidable Foes. We enlisted Erin, so that we could play without any of the goofball two-player rules. Right from the start, Erin and Kyle began a mini-war against each other leaving me alone to clean up. I would say that this gave me a good lead, but due to how all of the intersections were faced I found myself down a lot of dead ends. Not to mention that Erin and Kyle recognized my lead and decided to use the "Dumbest Player" perk against me very effectively. The game was still tight toward the end. I killed both Prince Fieso and Furunkulus to end the game and the scores were all within five points of each other.
Formidable Foes Standings: Joey 2, Kyle 0, Erin -2
We'll be playing next week at the same time and at the same place. Come join us! Zeb is still at the top of the leader board, so it'll be Zeb's pick next week. See you there!
Images by Andreas Resch and Nicholas Acosta.
Posted by Joe Belanger at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Game Night #15
A good showing. Everyone was game for staying later than usual and getting three games in. The results of each game were varied and a lot of fun was had. Plus I got to play three of my favorite games.
Attendees: Zeb, Mark and Joey.
Previous Overall Standings:
Mark 5
Jose 3
Talmadge 3
Boogie 2
Joey 0
Glenn -4
John -9
This Event's Standings:
Zeb 3
Joey -1
Mark -2
June's Overall Standings:
Zeb 3
Joey -1
Mark -2
We started off the night with Nexus Ops. The more the merrier with this game. The board layout was diverse and challenging. Zeb had next to no mines over by him. I had all the single mines and a two. Mark had a couple two-rubium mines and a single. Mark and Zeb started quickly, but got halted mid-game. I came from behind in points and quickly rose to ten points. With only two more points to victory, I got shut down. I decided to build my defenses back up for a turn and then I realized that I might be able to pull out the victory if I went all or nothing. It worked. I haven't won Nexus Ops (against grown-ups) for a very long time.
Nexus Ops Standings: Joey 2, Mark -1, Zeb -1
We then played a shorter game of Robo Rally. We played a three-flag course on two boards. This game was the opposite of Nexus Ops. I broke out early and had, what I thought was, a decent lead. I thought, "I'm experienced, with a good lead. I'm going to smoke them." Boy, was I wrong! They quickly caught up and decimated me. Zeb made a dirty move and shoved me into a pit. Then Mark caught up and lasered the snot out of me. I came in last in this one. And, due to my pride, deservedly so.
Robo Rally Standings: Zeb 2, Mark 0, Joey -2
Lastly, we played Vampire: Prince of the City. I had only played this two-player before and was eager to try the game with more. A two-player game of Vampire: Prince of the City is pretty boring; but three or more (I imagine) is in-your-face and tense. We began the game by carving out sections of the board as our own. As the game progressed we creeped into each other's territory. Mark, who was regent most of the game, took steady beatings from Zeb and I, nipping at his heels. In the end, Zeb shot ahead and played to his strengths. He creamed Mark and I. As a two-player game, Vampire: Prince of the City sucks (pun intended). With three, the game is completely different and much more engaging.
Vampire: Prince of the City Standings: Zeb 2, Mark -1, Joey -1
So with that, Zeb is at the top of the leader board and has his choice of games for next week. Have at it, Zeb!
Images by MijjyB, Gary James and Nicholas Acosta.
Posted by Joe Belanger at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Welcome Hutto Gamers!!
All Hutto Game Night related material has been moved! Welcome to our new site. Please feel free to comment and post questions. Our first meeting since the move is tonight, June 5th, 7pm, my place and it is Mark's turn to pick the games.
If you require directions or have any questions, please ask. See you there!
Posted by Joe Belanger at 4:57 PM 1 comments