One player in attendance, one game played. A very singular night.
Players of the Month: Aaron and Joey
Players of Months Past:
Mark M. (April, May, August, September)
Joey (February, March, July, November)
Zeb (June, October)
Aaron (November)
Attendees: Zeb and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
Joey 4
Aaron 3
Brandt 2
James 1
Zeb -3
Brent -3
Mark M. -4
This Event's Standings:
Zeb 1
Joey -1
November's Overall Standings:
Joey 3
Aaron 3
Brandt 2
James 1
Zeb -2
Brent -3
Mark M. -4
We played a game of Star Wars Miniature Battles. The scenario pitted the Empire and the Rebellion against each other in a race against time. Each faction had to enter the forest ruins and search for a missing Intelligence Droid, vital to each side's operations. Zeb played the Imperial forces and I played the Rebel Alliance. We both made our way to the ruins and searched for the droid. We took a few pot shots at each other and chipped away at each other. Then as we drew closer, Zeb unleashed a few volleys of grenades and began decimating my forces. I thought it wise to draw closer so that any missed grenades might land back on him. I engaged in hand-to-hand combat, within the ruins, with his best squad and fell as if waves crashing on rocks. I did manage to even out the odds though and it came down to my last few stragglers trying to keep Zeb's raggedy squads from making off with the droid. In the end, Zeb's last snowtrooper escaped with the droid as my last two troops were blasted.
Star Wars Miniature Battles Standings: Zeb 1, Joey -1
Additional Stats
Overall Points Total
Brent 8
Zeb 8
Mark M. 5
Aaron 3
Ben 3
Brandt 1
Mark K. -3
Joey -5
James -6
This Event's Wins to Played Ratios
Zeb 1:1 (100%)
Joey 0:1 (0%)
November's Wins to Played Ratios
Aaron 3:6 (50%)
James 1:2 (50%)
Joey 7:17 (41%)
Brandt 1:4 (25%)
Zeb 3:13 (23%)
Brent 1:6 (16%)
Mark M. 1:11 (9%)
Overall Wins to Played Ratios
Aaron 3:6 (50%)
Zeb 19:52 (36%)
Joey 43:120 (35%)
Ben 1:3 (33%)
Brent 6:20 (30%)
Mark M. 18:70 (25.7%)
Brandt 3:12 (25%)
James 2:13 (15%)
Mark K. 0:1 (0%)
Games Played, Sorted by Popularity
Pirate’s Dice 12
For Sale 9
RoboRally 8
Nexus Ops 5
Formula De 5
Shadows over Camelot 4
Manila 4
Hey! That’s My Fish! 4
Space Dealer 3
Formidable Foes 3
Tide of Iron 3
Arkham Horror 3
Elk Fest 3
Bang! 3
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot 3
Lost Cities 3
Memoir ’44 2
Wings of War: Burning Drachens 2
Crimson Skies 2
Doom: The Boardgame 2
Pirate’s Cove 2
Zombies!!! 2
TransAmerica 2
Betrayal at House on the Hill 2
Ticket to Ride 2
Mag-Blast 2
No Thanks! 2
Conquest of the Empire 1
Poison 1
Twilight Imperium, 3rd Edition 1
Antike 1
Mystery of the Abbey 1
Fluxx 1
Puerto Rico 1
Nottingham 1
Qwirkle 1
Axis & Allies 1
Ricochet Robots 1
On the Underground 1
China 1
Vampire: Prince of the City 1
Jambo 1
Mississippi Queen 1
Quelf 1
Power Grid 1
Citadels 1
Descent: Journeys in the Dark 1
San Juan 1
Balloon Cup 1
Blokus 1
Colosseum 1
Mmm... Brains 1
Acquire 1
Wits and Wagers 1
Thurn and Taxis 1
Star Wars Miniature Battles 1
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Game Night #40
Posted by Joe Belanger at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Game Night #39
That was a great night! I had a lot of fun. Good crowd, good snacks and some fairly good games. And another interestingly matched night.
Attendees: Brent, Zeb, Mark, Brandt and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
Aaron 3
Joey 2
James 1
Zeb 0
Mark M. -6
This Event's Standings:
Joey 2
Mark 2
Brandt 2
Brent -3
Zeb -3
November's Overall Standings:
Joey 4
Aaron 3
Brandt 2
James 1
Zeb -3
Brent -3
Mark M. -4Brent arrived first and we played a game of Lost Cities. I thought that I was going to win and I did.
Lost Cities Standings: Joey 1, Brent -1We then played Mag-Blast after Zeb and Mark showed up. I thought that I was going to win, but I didn't.
Mag-Blast Standings: Mark 3, Brent 1, Zeb -1, Joey -3
After Brandt arrived we played another game of Mag-Blast. I thought that I was going to win and I did.
Mag-Blast Standings: Joey 4, Zeb 2, Brandt 0, Mark -2, Brent -4I then picked No Thanks! I must admit that I thought that I was going to win this, but I didn't.
No Thanks! Standings: Brent 4, Zeb 2, Mark 0, Joey -2, Brandt -4
Now that everyone understood the game, we played No Thanks! again. I was sure that I was going to win, but I didn't.
No Thanks! Standings: Brandt 4, Mark 2, Joey 0, Brent -2, Zeb -4As things were winding down, we played a game of Wits and Wagers. I was certain that I was going to win and I did.
Wits and Wagers Standings: Joey 4, Brandt 2, Brent -1, Mark -1, Zeb -4Lastly we played Thurn and Taxis and this was a game that I knew that I had in the bag. I was wrong.
Thurn and Taxis Standings: Zeb 2, Mark 0, Joey -2
Additional Stats
Overall Points Total
Brent 8
Zeb 7
Mark M. 5
Aaron 3
Ben 3
Brandt 1
Mark K. -3
Joey -4
James -6
This Event's Wins to Played Ratios
Joey 3:7 (42%)
Brandt 1:4 (25%)
Brent 1:6 (16%)
Mark 1:6 (16%)
Zeb 1:6 (16%)
November's Wins to Played Ratios
Aaron 3:6 (50%)
James 1:2 (50%)
Joey 7:16 (43%)
Brandt 1:4 (25%)
Zeb 2:12 (16%)
Brent 1:6 (16%)
Mark M. 1:11 (9%)
Overall Wins to Played Ratios
Aaron 3:6 (50%)
Joey 43:119 (36%)
Zeb 18:51 (35%)
Ben 1:3 (33%)
Brent 6:20 (30%)
Mark M. 18:70 (25.7%)
Brandt 3:12 (25%)
James 2:13 (15%)
Mark K. 0:1 (0%)
Games Played, Sorted by Popularity
Pirate’s Dice 12
For Sale 9
RoboRally 8
Nexus Ops 5
Formula De 5
Shadows over Camelot 4
Manila 4
Hey! That’s My Fish! 4
Space Dealer 3
Formidable Foes 3
Tide of Iron 3
Arkham Horror 3
Elk Fest 3
Bang! 3
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot 3
Lost Cities 3
Memoir ’44 2
Wings of War: Burning Drachens 2
Crimson Skies 2
Doom: The Boardgame 2
Pirate’s Cove 2
Zombies!!! 2
TransAmerica 2
Betrayal at House on the Hill 2
Ticket to Ride 2
Mag-Blast 2
No Thanks! 2
Conquest of the Empire 1
Poison 1
Twilight Imperium, 3rd Edition 1
Antike 1
Mystery of the Abbey 1
Fluxx 1
Puerto Rico 1
Nottingham 1
Qwirkle 1
Axis & Allies 1
Ricochet Robots 1
On the Underground 1
China 1
Vampire: Prince of the City 1
Jambo 1
Mississippi Queen 1
Quelf 1
Power Grid 1
Citadels 1
Descent: Journeys in the Dark 1
San Juan 1
Balloon Cup 1
Blokus 1
Colosseum 1
Mmm... Brains 1
Acquire 1
Wits and Wagers 1
Thurn and Taxis 1
Elvis has left the building.
Posted by Joe Belanger at 12:02 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Game Night #38
Thank you for playing tonight! It was a shorter night and it was an evenly matched evening for all of us.
Attendees: Aaron, Zeb, James and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
Aaron 4
Zeb 1
Joey 1
Mark M. -6
This Event's Standings:
Joey 1
James 1
Aaron -1
Zeb -1
November's Overall Standings:
Aaron 3
Joey 2
James 1
Zeb 0
Mark M. -6
While waiting for others to arrive James, Aaron and I played a game of Hey! That's My Fish! This had to be the most mind-bending game of Hey! That's My Fish! that I have ever played. There was a whole lot of "if I do this, then this will happen" decisions being made. It was rough. James won by a landslide (of fish)!
Hey! That's My Fish! Standings: James 2, Joey 0, Aaron -2
We then played Betrayal at House on the Hill (thus far a night of games with long names). I love this game and don't get to play it nearly enough. We played a Haunt titled "Let Them In". Aaron and a madman turned on us and began letting spectres in. We had everything we needed to exorcise these spectres. But due to our clumsy handling of holy items, crystal balls and log-forgotten tomes; we were quickly dispatched by Aaron, a madman and a handful of spectres. The traitor was victorious.
Betrayal at House on the Hill Standings: Aaron 3, Zeb -1, Joey -1, James -1
James had to leave so we played a game of Ticket to Ride. This game started out peaceful and very non-confrontational. It was only near the end that we began to get in each other's way. The only thing of note is that Zeb and I tied for first, so it went to the tie-breaker. We tied again. So it went to the double tie-breaker; which I received for having two more tracks on the board than Zeb. This was THE closest game of Ticket to Ride that I have ever played! Zeb still hates this game.
Ticket to Ride Standings: Joey 2, Zeb 0, Aaron -2
Additional Stats
Overall Points Total
Brent 11
Zeb 10
Aaron 3
Mark M. 3
Ben 3
Brandt -1
Mark K. -3
James -6
Joey -6
This Event's Wins to Played Ratios
James 1:2 (50%)
Aaron 1:3 (33%)
Joey 1:3 (33%)
Zeb 0:2 (0%)
November's Wins to Played Ratios
Aaron 3:6 (50%)
James 1:2 (50%)
Joey 4:9 (44%)
Zeb 1:6 (16%)
Mark M. 0:5 (0%)
Overall Wins to Played Ratios
Aaron 3:6 (50%)
Zeb 17:45 (37%)
Joey 40:112 (35%)
Brent 5:14 (35%)
Ben 1:3 (33%)
Mark M. 17:64 (26%)
Brandt 2:8 (25%)
James 2:13 (15%)
Mark K. 0:1 (0%)
Games Played, Sorted by Popularity
Pirate’s Dice 12
For Sale 9
RoboRally 8
Nexus Ops 5
Formula De 5
Shadows over Camelot 4
Manila 4
Hey! That’s My Fish! 4
Space Dealer 3
Formidable Foes 3
Tide of Iron 3
Arkham Horror 3
Elk Fest 3
Bang! 3
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot 3
Memoir ’44 2
Wings of War: Burning Drachens 2
Crimson Skies 2
Lost Cities 2
Doom: The Boardgame 2
Pirate’s Cove 2
Zombies!!! 2
TransAmerica 2
Betrayal at House on the Hill 2
Ticket to Ride 2
Conquest of the Empire 1
Poison 1
Twilight Imperium, 3rd Edition 1
Antike 1
Mystery of the Abbey 1
Fluxx 1
Puerto Rico 1
Nottingham 1
Qwirkle 1
Axis & Allies 1
Ricochet Robots 1
On the Underground 1
China 1
Vampire: Prince of the City 1
Jambo 1
Mississippi Queen 1
Quelf 1
Power Grid 1
Citadels 1
Descent: Journeys in the Dark 1
San Juan 1
Balloon Cup 1
Blokus 1
Colosseum 1
Mmm... Brains 1
Acquire 1
Posted by Joe Belanger at 10:32 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Game Night #37
Thanks for attending this week everyone.
This weekend is MillenniumCon, in Austin. It's a game convention, but it leans more towards historical miniature war games and longer, more in-depth games. If any of you are interested in attending with me, please let me know. I think it's $30 for all weekend long. Here's there site.
Attendees: Aaron, Zeb, Mark M. and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
Mark M.
This Event's Standings:
Aaron 4
Zeb 1
Joey 1
Mark M. -6
November's Overall Standings:
Aaron 4
Zeb 1
Joey 1
Mark M. -6Aaron arrived first and, while we waited for the others, we played a game of Hey! That's My Fish! Aaron cut a couple of my penguins off and isolated them to small floes. This did allow me to section off a fifth of the board with one of my remaining penguins. I did have to fight off Aaron's penguins with my one remaining penguin. The game did go to me, but this did not keep Aaron from returning the favor later (multiple times).
Hey! That's My Fish! Standings: Joey 1, Aaron -1
Mark showed up next and we played a game of Zombies!!! The map unfolded in a really unique manner; a near perfect rectangular grid. As Aaron and Mark fought to get to the nearby Helipad, I was on the other side of the board looking for a chainsaw in the Lawn and Garden Center. Aaron found a car with the keys still in the ignition and motored through all of the zombies in his path to the helicopter; only Aaron survived the zombie onslaught.
Zombies!!! Standings: Aaron 2, Mark M. -1, Joey -1
Zeb arrived in the midst of our flight from the zombies (and made a taco run. Zeb's my new hero! I owe you, big time!). It was Zeb's turn to pick and we played Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot (which I've decided that he picks just so I'll have to type that whole name out each week a couple of times.) I actually got a few bunnies in my initial draw, but not until Zeb unleashed the Ebola virus on them and wiped them all out. So it seems that I can either have bunnies OR carrots, but not both. Every other game = lots of carrots and no bunnies. This game = lots of bunnies and no carrots. Oh, well. Aaron again was the lucky rabbit that found the Magic Carrot and won the game.
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot Standings: Aaron 3, Zeb -1, Mark M. -1, Joey -1
Aaron had to leave, so we played TransAmerica next (one of my new faves, not 'cause I love it; but because I am somehow good at it). TransAmerica ran three rounds. In each round, I drew Los Angeles, my least favorite city (all of those mountains). Despite that, I won this one without taking a single loss.
TransAmerica Standings: Joey 2, Zeb 0, Mark M. -2
We then moved on to another group favorite; RoboRally. We knew this was going to be an interesting one, because all three of us are pretty evenly matched at this game. We played two of the most difficult maps; Pit Maze and Maelstrom. Midway between the first and second flag, Mark was off spinning around while Zeb and I found ourselves in a standoff. We were facing each other. Zeb had a conveyor belt that led to certain doom behind him and I had a pit behind me. Zeb moved first and pushed me into the pit. My first death. Later, this time Zeb was off zooming toward the finish line and Mark and I found ourselves in a similar standoff. Once again, I made the wrong move and found myself plummeting down a pit with Mark peering over the edge taunting me. The pic to the left is the status of the game as Mark finished second. I hadn't even touched the second flag yet. The indignity of it all!
RoboRally Standings: Zeb 2, Mark M. 0, Joey -2
It was time to start wrapping things up and we settled on a game of For Sale before calling it quits. I managed to pick up properties #30 and #29, but at the cost of nearly all of my capital. I think my last four or five card draws were forced picks due to not having any cash. When the second round came around, I managed to avoid both Voids and picked up a $15,000 and $14,000 check. I squeaked out a victory in this one.
For Sale Standings: Joey 2, Zeb 0, Mark M. -2
Additional Stats
Overall Points Total
Brent 11
Zeb 11
Aaron 4
Mark M. 3
Ben 3
Brandt -1
Mark K. -3
James -7
Joey -7
This Event's Wins to Played Ratios
Aaron 2:3 (66%)
Joey 3:6 (50%)
Zeb 1:4 (25%)
Mark M. 0:5 (0%)
November's Wins to Played Ratios
Aaron 2:3 (66%)
Joey 3:6 (50%)
Zeb 1:4 (25%)
Mark M. 0:5 (0%)
Overall Wins to Played Ratios
Aaron 2:3 (66%)
Zeb 17:43 (39%)
Joey 39:109 (35.77%)
Brent 5:14 (35.71%)
Ben 1:3 (33%)
Mark M. 17:64 (26%)
Brandt 2:8 (25%)
James 1:11 (9%)
Mark K. 0:1 (0%)
Games Played, Sorted by Popularity
Pirate’s Dice 12
For Sale 9
RoboRally 8
Nexus Ops 5
Formula De 5
Shadows over Camelot 4
Manila 4
Space Dealer 3
Formidable Foes 3
Tide of Iron 3
Arkham Horror 3
Elk Fest 3
Bang! 3
Hey! That’s My Fish! 3
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot 3
Memoir ’44 2
Wings of War: Burning Drachens 2
Crimson Skies 2
Lost Cities 2
Doom: The Boardgame 2
Pirate’s Cove 2
Zombies!!! 2
TransAmerica 2
Conquest of the Empire 1
Poison 1
Twilight Imperium, 3rd Edition 1
Antike 1
Mystery of the Abbey 1
Fluxx 1
Puerto Rico 1
Nottingham 1
Qwirkle 1
Axis & Allies 1
Ricochet Robots 1
On the Underground 1
China 1
Vampire: Prince of the City 1
Jambo 1
Mississippi Queen 1
Quelf 1
Ticket to Ride 1
Power Grid 1
Citadels 1
Betrayal at House on the Hill 1
Descent: Journeys in the Dark 1
San Juan 1
Balloon Cup 1
Blokus 1
Colosseum 1
Mmm... Brains 1
Acquire 1
Images by Eric Dodd and Joe Belanger
Posted by Joe Belanger at 5:17 PM 0 comments