This was an awesome game night. We had a lot of people show up, played a grip of games and, most of all, everyone pitched in and got me Space Dealer. Thank you every one, I am really touched.
Attendees: Mark, Brandt, Brent, Suzanne, Clyde and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
Joey 2
Brandt 2
Brent 2
Zeb -2
Mark -4
This Event's Standings:
Mark 4
Suzanne 2
Brandt 1
Clyde 0
Brent -1
Joey -6
December's Overall Standings:
Brandt 3
Suzanne 2
Brent 1
Mark 0
Clyde 0
Zeb -2
Joey -4Brandt showed up a bit early to get first pick of the games. We played a game of Balloon Cup. It was close at times, but Brandt has really become formidable at this game and cleaned up.
Balloon Cup Standings: Brandt 1, Joey -1
We quickly had a full house and decided to play a game of No Thanks! We had to hear Brandt's usual tirade about "seating position and its effect on No Thanks!" Needless to say, he lost (so did I), but the Moore's and their kin took all the top spots.
No Thanks! Standings: Mark 4, Suzanne 2, Clyde 0, Joey -2, Brandt -4We then played a great (and learning) game of Space Dealer. Everyone caught on really quickly and aside from a few rules fudges we made it through the game. I cleaned up on the Gizzis. But as they say, "A handful of Gizzis does not a winner make." Mark proved himself to be the most efficient alien race in the cosmos.
Space Dealer Standings: Mark 3, Brandt 1, Brent -1, Joey -3
We then played the perennial favorite; Pirate's Cove. This game consisted of all of us heading to the same island or all of us heading to different islands. When playing with three people, who know how to play the game, Pirate's Cove plays really quickly and made for a fun game. I picked up Long John Silver's parrot pretty early in the game and that made me a target. The poor parrot was quickly reduced to a puff of feathers and smoke shortly thereafter. Mark went on to challenge Blackbeard at Treasure Island and was halfway to defeating him when his cannons could not make contact with Blackbeard's hull any longer. Brandt handily became the most famous (er, notorious) pirate.
Pirate's Cove Standings: Brandt 2, Joey 0, Mark -2Still good to go, we played a game of Mag-Blast. Brandt was dealt three Dreadnoughts from the start. We made attempts to blast him, but he made short work of us.
Mag-Blast Standings: Brandt 2, Joey 0, Mark -2
Formula De was next to the table. This was a fairly short game of Formula De. Before we reached the halfway mark of the first (and only) lap, I bumped both cars and we all took a point of body damage. Then Mark and Brandt bumped each other, exploded and I cruised to the finish line in first gear.
Formula De Standings: Joey 2, Mark -1, Brandt -1That last game of Formula De was so short we decided to play again. This was a much different race. I shot out ahead for the last half of the race, but at the sacrifice of my car. Mark was last and had a near mint car. Mark was able to open her up and push his car harder than I was on the last couple of turns and shot ahead to the finish line. Also, Brandt spun-out. This is the first time that I have ever seen that.
Formula De Standings: Mark 2, Joey 0, Brandt -2
Lastly we played a game of Pirate's Dice. I was losing badly, quickly. I was down to two dice before I was able to whittle a few dice away from Mark and Brandt. I then lost my two remaining dice. Shortly thereafter, Mark and Brandt had one dice each and they both rolled terrible. Brandt managed to win with a feat of honesty.
Pirate's Dice Standings: Brandt 2, Mark 0, Joey -2
Additional Stats
Overall Points Total
Brent 9
Zeb 6
Mark 5
Brandt 4
Aaron 3
Suzanne 2
Clyde 0
James -6
Joey -9
This Event's Wins to Played Ratios
Brandt 4:8 (50%)
Mark 3:7 (42%)
Joey 1:8 (12%)
Brent 0:1 (0%)
Suzanne 0:1 (0%)
Clyde 0:1 (0%)
December's Wins to Played Ratios
Brandt 6:12 (50%)
Zeb 1:2 (50%)
Mark 3:12 (25%)
Brent 1:4 (25%)
Joey 2:13 (15%)
Suzanne 0:1 (0%)
Clyde 0:1 (0%)
Overall Wins to Played Ratios
Aaron 3:6 (50%)
Brandt 9:24 (37.5%)
Zeb 20:54 (37.03%)
Joey 45:133 (33%)
Brent 7:24 (29%)
Mark M. 21:82 (25%)
James 2:13 (15%)
Suzanne 0:1 (0%)
Clyde 0:1 (0%)
Games Played, Sorted by Popularity
Pirate’s Dice 14
For Sale 9
RoboRally 9
Formula De 7
Nexus Ops 5
Shadows over Camelot 4
Manila 4
Hey! That’s My Fish! 4
No Thanks! 4
Space Dealer 4
Formidable Foes 3
Tide of Iron 3
Arkham Horror 3
Elk Fest 3
Bang! 3
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot 3
Lost Cities 3
Pirate’s Cove 3
Mag-Blast 3
Memoir ’44 2
Wings of War: Burning Drachens 2
Crimson Skies 2
Doom: The Boardgame 2
Zombies!!! 2
TransAmerica 2
Betrayal at House on the Hill 2
Ticket to Ride 2
Balloon Cup 2
Conquest of the Empire 1
Poison 1
Twilight Imperium, 3rd Edition 1
Antike 1
Mystery of the Abbey 1
Fluxx 1
Puerto Rico 1
Nottingham 1
Qwirkle 1
Axis & Allies 1
Ricochet Robots 1
On the Underground 1
China 1
Vampire: Prince of the City 1
Jambo 1
Mississippi Queen 1
Quelf 1
Power Grid 1
Citadels 1
Descent: Journeys in the Dark 1
San Juan 1
Blokus 1
Colosseum 1
Mmm... Brains 1
Acquire 1
Wits and Wagers 1
Thurn and Taxis 1
Star Wars Miniature Battles 1
Boomtown 1
Chez Geek 1
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Game Night #42
Posted by Joe Belanger at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Game Night #41
Much like last week. Five players in attendance, five games played. Weird.
Attendees: Zeb, Mark, Brandt, Brent and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
This Event's Standings:
Joey 2
Brandt 2
Brent 2
Zeb -2
Mark -4
December's Overall Standings:
Joey 2
Brandt 2
Brent 2
Zeb -2
Mark -4Brandt and Mark showed up at the same time and we played a game of No Thanks! I thought that by sitting to Brandt's left I might have more of an advantage. Boy, was I wrong! I came in dead last and need to not push my luck so much...
No Thanks! Standings: Brandt 2, Mark 0, Joey -2Brent arrived and we played a game of Boomtown. I must admit that I picked this because I thought that I had a knack at winning this game and was looking to boost my totals. I was wrong. I was doing fairly well, but I made a few goof ball choices late in the game. Brent really cashed in.
Boomtown Standings: Brent 3, Joey 1, Mark -1, Brandt -3Zeb called us from Taco Bell and told us that both he and tacos would be there soon, so we sat down to play a quick game of Pirate's Dice. Brent really got tossed around at first, but then he held strong and the rest of us took some hits. Then Brent went out, followed by me. I didn't see as Brandt and Mark went head-to-head (tacos). But Brandt won it. Maybe Brandt or Mark would care to detail how that went down...
Pirate's Dice Standings: Brandt 3, Mark 1, Joey -1, Brent -3With everyone here, we began the main event. A single-map, four-flag, five-player game of Robo Rally. Pushing, shooting, crushing... we had it all! It was a great game. Brent and I both made runs at the final flag and it was pretty dang close the first time.
Robo Rally Standings: Joey 4, Brent 2, Brandt 0, Mark -2, Zeb -4
Brent and Brandt left and we that remained played a game of Chez Geek. Mark, the Tech Support specialist, was master of the nookie and had tons of income but nothing to spend it on. I, the Research Subject, had tons of friends over but not a whole lot of anything else. Zeb, the Web Designer, had a nice mix of everything and shot past his Slack Goal pretty easily. Mark and I just aren't slacker enough.
Chez Geek Standings: Zeb 2, Joey 0, Mark -2
Additional Stats
Overall Points Total
Brent 10
Zeb 6
Aaron 3
Brandt 3
Mark M. 1
Joey -3
James -6
This Event's Wins to Played Ratios
Brandt 2:4 (50%)
Zeb 1:2 (50%)
Brent 1:3 (30%)
Joey 1:5 (20%)
Mark 0:5 (0%)
December's Wins to Played Ratios
Brandt 2:4 (50%)
Zeb 1:2 (50%)
Brent 1:3 (30%)
Joey 1:5 (20%)
Mark 0:5 (0%)
Overall Wins to Played Ratios
Aaron 3:6 (50%)
Zeb 20:54 (37%)
Joey 44:125 (35%)
Brandt 5:16 (31%)
Brent 7:23 (30%)
Mark M. 18:75 (24%)
James 2:13 (15%)
Games Played, Sorted by Popularity
Pirate’s Dice 13
For Sale 9
RoboRally 9
Nexus Ops 5
Formula De 5
Shadows over Camelot 4
Manila 4
Hey! That’s My Fish! 4
Space Dealer 3
Formidable Foes 3
Tide of Iron 3
Arkham Horror 3
Elk Fest 3
Bang! 3
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot 3
Lost Cities 3
No Thanks! 3
Memoir ’44 2
Wings of War: Burning Drachens 2
Crimson Skies 2
Doom: The Boardgame 2
Pirate’s Cove 2
Zombies!!! 2
TransAmerica 2
Betrayal at House on the Hill 2
Ticket to Ride 2
Mag-Blast 2
Conquest of the Empire 1
Poison 1
Twilight Imperium, 3rd Edition 1
Antike 1
Mystery of the Abbey 1
Fluxx 1
Puerto Rico 1
Nottingham 1
Qwirkle 1
Axis & Allies 1
Ricochet Robots 1
On the Underground 1
China 1
Vampire: Prince of the City 1
Jambo 1
Mississippi Queen 1
Quelf 1
Power Grid 1
Citadels 1
Descent: Journeys in the Dark 1
San Juan 1
Balloon Cup 1
Blokus 1
Colosseum 1
Mmm... Brains 1
Acquire 1
Wits and Wagers 1
Thurn and Taxis 1
Star Wars Miniature Battles 1
Boomtown 1
Chez Geek 1
Posted by Joe Belanger at 11:34 PM 3 comments