January's Player of the Month: Joey!
Tonight was Mark's pick and it was a strange night for the pacing of the games. But April brought some really tasty donuts and donuts, as we all know, fix everything!
Attendees: Mark, Zeb, April and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
Erin 8.1 (16.2/2)
Joey 7.9 (103.2/13)
Zeb 7.5 (83.3/11)
Mark 7.3 (59.1/8)
Brandt 7.1 (35.8/5)
Brent 6.8 (20.4/3)
April 6.5 (26.3/4)
This Event's Standings:
Mark 10.0 (10.0/1)
Joey 8.8 (26.6/3)
April 8.3 (8.3/1)
Zeb 7.8 (23.5/3)
January's Overall Standings:
Joey 8.11 (129.8/16)
Erin 8.1 (16.2/2)
Mark 7.67 (69.1/9)
Zeb 7.62 (106.8/14)
Brandt 7.1 (35.8/5)
April 6.92 (34.6/5)
Brent 6.8 (20.4/3)Zeb arrived first and we played a game of Cold War: CIA vs. KGB. We were really cautious at first. We fielded our Deputy Directors A LOT. As the game wore on we began to play more conservatively during the Influence Phase, but tended to risk more agents other than the Deputy Director. After being behind for a bit, I managed to catch up with a successful mission by my Director. The last Objective was close and would win the game for whoever took it. We both fielded our Master Spy. Zeb's was killed by the nation that he was trying to sway and the points went to me. A VERY close game.
Cold War: CIA vs. KGB Standings:
Joey 10 (100 points of subterfuge)
Zeb 9.0 (90 points of intrigue)Then came the main event! Formula De. Three-laps! This was a first for everyone. Everyone, but April, had played Formula De before. None of us had ever run three laps. I REALLY liked playing a three-lapper; despite what I am about to type. I crashed before finishing my first lap. Still, I really enjoyed everything that a three-lap race has to offer. First off, I bumped Zeb and Mark before crossing the Starting Line; leaving a wall of debris there! Later in the race, Zeb was bumped again and he blew up. Then I was bumped a couple more times and I blew up. Mark, April and our debris had the track all to themselves. I heard that it was close until the last lap, when Mark went full throttle and started abusing his car.
Formula De Standings:
Mark 10 (1st Place)
April 8.3 (2nd Place)
Joey 6.6 (3rd Place)
Zeb 5.0 (4th Place)While Mark and April finished playing Formula De, Zeb and I played a game of Take Stock. After the first round, I had a 30-point lead on Zeb. After the second, I increased that lead to about 70 points. After the third round, Zeb closed it back up to 30 points. Finally, Zeb finished the game a mere 16 points behind me. I enjoyed this game more this time and I still think this game would be more fun with more people.
Take Stock Standings:
Joey 10 (332 shares)
Zeb 9.5 (316 shares)
Additional Stats
2008 Points Total
Joey 8.11 (129.8/16)
Erin 8.1 (16.2/2)
Mark 7.67 (69.1/9)
Zeb 7.62 (106.8/14)
Brandt 7.1 (35.8/5)
April 6.92 (34.6/5)
Brent 6.8 (20.4/3)
Players of the Month
Joey (January)
Games Played in 2008, Sorted by Popularity
Manila 2
Hey! That's My Fish! 1
Gang of Four 1
Chez Geek 1
Pirate's Cove 1
Hive 1
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot 1
Ticket to Ride 1
Lost Cities 1
Elk Fest 1
Wits and Wagers 1
Puerto Rico 1
Cold War: CIA vs. KGB 1
Formula De 1
Take Stock 1
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Game Night #46 and Player of the Month!
Posted by Joe Belanger at 12:19 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Game Night #45
Tonight was April's pick. Thankfully she spared us and allowed us to maintain our dignity. There was no Pretty, Pretty Princess played this evening.
Attendees: Mark, Zeb, April, Erin, Brent and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
April 10.0 (10.0/1)
Joey 8.1 (81.7/10)
Zeb 7.9 (63.3/8)
Mark 7.7 (38.9/5)
Erin 7.5 (7.5/1)
Brandt 7.3 (36.9/5)
Brent 6.0 (6.0/1)
This Event's Standings:
Erin 8.7 (8.7/1)
Brent 7.2 (14.4/2)
Joey 7.1 (21.5/3)
Mark 6.7 (20.2/3)
Zeb 6.6 (20.0/3)
April 5.4 (16.3/3)
January's Overall Standings:
Erin 8.1 (16.2/2)
Joey 7.9 (103.2/13)
Zeb 7.5 (83.3/11)
Mark 7.3 (59.1/8)
Brandt 7.1 (35.8/5)
Brent 6.8 (20.4/3)
April 6.5 (26.3/4)So, we pulled out Crimson Skies first and we put it away when April called and told us that she was almost to our house. Also, the Crimson Skies scenario that was next was a long one so we decided to scrap it. Then we pulled out Settlers of Zarahemla and just as we got that set up Brent showed up. So we needed a five player game. Finally, we settled upon Manila. This game of Manila was crazy. The silk commodity shot to the top immediately. Then for the rest of the game, everyone did everything in their power to keep the game from ending and most of the other commodities caught up. All in all, it was a very shrewd game of Manila. There was a fair amount of pirating, but somehow I've lost my touch and I got shut-down a couple of times as pirate. Zeb counts that as a moral victory.
Manila Standings:
Joey 10.0 (129 pesos)
Zeb 9.6 (125 pesos)
April 8.1 (105 pesos)
Mark 7.9 (103 pesos)
Brent 4.4 (58 pesos)After that I guess we couldn't get enough of betting; we played Wits and Wagers. This was a fairly standard game until the last round. No one was correct on the answer so it went to the 5:1 spot. Brent and Mark both had chips there. Brent had a hoard of chips there and Mark had a few. Luckily, April and I both saved a few chips just in case. Zeb spent them all. Brent blew us out of the water.
Wits and Wagers Standings:
Brent 10 (255 points)
Mark 3.1 (80 points)
April 1.5 (40 points)
Joey 1.5 (40 points)
Zeb 0 (0 points)Lastly, we played Puerto Rico. This was new to Zeb. Zeb did a great job, because no one held their punches. This game was a intense. Nearly everything was taken. We were almost out of men, VP chips, buildings and plantations. This game really went the distance. In the end, I pulled off a victory due to having two VP buildings. Close game.
Puerto Rico Standings:
Joey 10 (56 points = 19VP + 25 buildings + 12 VP buildings)
Zeb 9.4 (53 points = 34 VP + 13 buildings + 6 VP buildings)
Mark 9.2 (52 points = 33 VP + 19 buildings)
Erin 8.7 (49 points = 22 VP + 22 buildings + 5 VP buildings)
April 6.7 (38 points = 12 VP + 18 buildings + 8 VP buildings)
Additional Stats
2008 Points Total
Erin 8.1 (16.2/2)
Joey 7.9 (103.2/13)
Zeb 7.5 (83.3/11)
Mark 7.3 (59.1/8)
Brandt 7.1 (35.8/5)
Brent 6.8 (20.4/3)
April 6.5 (26.3/4)
Games Played in 2008, Sorted by Popularity
Manila 2
Hey! That's My Fish! 1
Gang of Four 1
Chez Geek 1
Pirate's Cove 1
Hive 1
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot 1
Ticket to Ride 1
Lost Cities 1
Elk Fest 1
Wits and Wagers 1
Puerto Rico 1
Posted by Joe Belanger at 11:43 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Game Night #44
A lot of new faces tonight!
Attendees: Zeb, April, Erin, Brent and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
Mark 8.0 (40.1/5)
Zeb 7.9 (23.9/3)
Joey 7.8 (39.2/5)
Brandt 7.3 (36.9/5)
This Event's Standings:
April 10.0 (10.0/1)
Joey 8.5 (42.5/5)
Zeb 7.8 (39.4/5)
Erin 7.5 (7.5/1)
Brent 6.0 (6.0/1)
January's Overall Standings:
April 10.0 (10.0/1)
Joey 8.1 (81.7/10)
Zeb 7.9 (63.3/8)
Mark 7.7 (38.9/5)
Erin 7.5 (7.5/1)
Brandt 7.3 (36.9/5)
Brent 6.0 (6.0/1)
Zeb arrived first and brought a marvelous quiche for a snack (game night is moving up and getting cultured!) We sorted through Zeb's new Red expansion pack for Killer Bunnies and then dove into a game that was new for both of us: Hive. This is a real thinking game and you really have to balance offense and defense well. At one point we were both close to winning the game and the goal eluded us. Then as we both neared the finish again, Zeb quickly closed in and claimed the victory.
Hive Standings:
Zeb 10 (Surrounded the white queen bee)
Joey 7.5 (Wasn't quite able to do the same to the back queen bee)Next, April and Mark K. showed up. Mark K was keen on honing his Wii Golf skills while the rest of us played a game of Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot. I quickly had an army of bunnies, but only ever received one "Collect a Carrot" card. While most everyone else was in a near opposite dilemma. By the end of the game, Zeb had a stack of carrots, April had a few and I had two. Erin had two carrots, but without any bunnies had to give them to Zeb. As we eliminated the carrots that were not the winning carrot, we found that each of us only had one carrot left. I was first to drop out, then Zeb and then April. April won the quest for the magic carrot!
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot Standings:
April 10 (1 Magic carrot)
Zeb 7.5 (Lots of mundane carrots)
Joey 7.5 (A couple of lackluster carrots)
Erin 7.5 (Carrotless)April and Mark K. had to leave and by then Brent had arrived. Brent, Zeb and I played a game of Ticket to Ride. This seemed to be a fairly matched game of Ticket to Ride. We stayed neck and neck in the pre-route scoring. Brent and Zeb contended for the Pacific Northwest and I wasn't clear in my explanation of the rules change for a two- and three-player game. That goof hosed Brent and the game ended shortly thereafter. Sorry about that Brent.
Ticket to Ride Standings:
Joey 10 (149 points)
Zeb 6.6 (99 points)
Brent 6.0 (90 points)Brent had to leave, so Zeb and I played a game of Lost Cities. I was ahead the entirety of the game by about twenty to thirty points. We both had a huge third round. Zeb scored 76 points in the last round, unfortunately (for him) I scored 111 points that round. The game went to me, but I was still tense all the way through.
Lost Cities Standings:
Joey 10 (179 points)
Zeb 5.3 (96 points)
Eager for retribution (or so I assume), Zeb picked Elk Fest as his last game of the night. I got an early lead. However that early lead dissolved as I failed to move my stones very far and Zeb was able to flick his stones much further apart. Zeb's moose rocketed to the other side of the river.
Elk Fest Standings:
Zeb 10 (Dry moose)
Joey 7.5 (Wet moose)
Additional Stats
2008 Points Total
April 10.0 (10.0/1)
Joey 8.1 (81.7/10)
Zeb 7.9 (63.3/8)
Mark 7.7 (38.9/5)
Erin 7.5 (7.5/1)
Brandt 7.3 (36.9/5)
Brent 6.0 (6.0/1)
Games Played in 2008, Sorted by Popularity
Hey! That's My Fish! 1
Gang of Four 1
Manila 1
Chez Geek 1
Pirate's Cove 1
Hive 1
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot 1
Ticket to Ride 1
Lost Cities 1
Elk Fest 1
Posted by Joe Belanger at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Games in the Heart of Texas (GITHOT)
For those of you that would be interested in going too, I will be attending Games in the Hot of Texas (GITHOT) this weekend. For $20, you can play and sample games that you may be on the fence on. So before you shell out that green come and try those games first. There are also a ton of door prizes and a Wits and Wagers tournament. You could very well walk away with something that makes your entry fee more that worth it. $20 for the whole weekend and... well, all the info on this event is in the link below. Cheers and I hope to see you there, or if you would like to come along with me let me know. It's right in Round Rock. Spitting distance.
Posted by Joe Belanger at 12:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Game Night #43
Great turn out and a load of great games were played. A great start to the New Year.
Attendees: Mark, Brandt, Zeb and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
This Event's Standings:
Mark 8.0 (40.1/5)
Zeb 7.9 (23.9/3)
Joey 7.8 (39.2/5)
Brandt 7.3 (36.9/5)
January's Overall Standings:
Mark 8.0 (40.1/5)
Zeb 7.9 (23.9/3)
Joey 7.8 (39.2/5)
Brandt 7.3 (36.9/5)We started off with Hey! That's My Fish!. Brandt, Mark and I started off pretty close to each other and the name of this game was segmenting off huge chunks of the board.
Hey! That's My Fish Standings:
Joey 10 (42 fish)
Mark 7.6 (32 fish)
Brandt 5.9 (25 fish)Next we played a game of Gang of Four. I really like playing this with three players. Playing it with three give shlubs like me a fighting chance. At one point I was down by forty or so points and somehow (because I usually stink at Gang of Four) I made a miraculous comeback! Needless to say, Brandt does not enjoy Gang of Four with three players.
Gang of Four Standings:
Joey 10 (49 points)
Mark 7.3 (99 points)
Brandt 5.0 (128 points)Zeb arrived and we played an extremely unique game of Manila. Only two wares even counted for anything and not many boats came in. Zeb had to hawk a ware and he still came in second. It was a slow economy day in Manila.
Manila Standings:
Mark 10 (124 pesos)
Zeb 8.7 (109 pesos)
Joey 6.3 (79 pesos)
Brandt 6.0 (75 pesos)Next we played a game of Chez Geek. This game got nasty. People were jacking each other rooms like crazy. Things getting burgled. Chainsaws during sleep. TV killing nookie. Regardless, Brandt reigned supreme as the master slacker (ironically).
Chez Geek Standings:
Brandt 10 (19 out of 18 slack)
Mark 7.0 (14 out of 20 slack)
Zeb 6.4 (11 out of 17 slack)
Joey 3.5 (6 out of 17 slack)Lastly we played a game of Pirate's Cove. This game had battles a plenty and was a tremendously close game. We even had a four-way battle. I was first to hobble away from that one and Mark was the last pirate standing when the gun smoke cleared. But that was only one battle, the pirate war was won by master cutthroat Brandt.
Pirate's Cove Standings:
Brandt 10 (34 acts of notoriety)
Joey 9.4 (32 acts of plunder)
Zeb 8.8 (30 acts of sacking)
Mark 8.2 (28 acts of pillaging)
Additional Stats
2008 Points Total
Mark 8.0 (40.1/5)
Zeb 7.9 (23.9/3)
Joey 7.8 (39.2/5)
Brandt 7.3 (36.9/5)
Games Played in 2008, Sorted by Popularity
Hey! That's My Fish! 1
Gang of Four 1
Manila 1
Chez Geek 1
Pirate's Cove 1
Posted by Joe Belanger at 11:22 PM 4 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Changes in 2008
I thought that I would document the new 2008 game night scoring system; here goes.
The system is a ten-point based system that is similar to "grading on the curve". This will reflect how well you are doing in each game.
Whoever wins a game will receive ten points. In the worst case scenario the last place player will only gain one point, but only if they do really poorly. Rarely will anyone receive negative or no points for playing a game. From there it gets tricky.
In a game where there is a score that has a positive number all of the other players will receive points based on their scores relative to the winner.
For instance: Ticket to Ride, everyone receives a positive score (nearly all of the time, eep!). Say that Mark attains a score of 116, Zeb 108, Brandt 89 and Joey 43. Mark receives 10 points for being the winner. Everyone else receives points based on Mark's score. You would take your score and divide it by Mark's score to get a percentage. Then you would take that percentage and divide by 10 to get the game night score; a number between an 10 and 1. So in the above example, Mark would receive 10 points, Zeb would receive 9.3 points, Brandt 7.6 and Joey 3.7
However, in games where the is score based on placement (RoboRally, Formula De), the scoring will go as follows:
Two-player game- First place, 10 points. Second place, 7.5 points
Three-player game- First place, 10 points. Second place, 8 points. Third place, 6 points
Four-player game- First place, 10 points. Second place, 9 points. Third place, 8 points. Fourth place, 7 points.
And so on...
Lastly, there are the negative scoring games (No Thanks!, Gang of Four, Hearts). In those cases the winner will receive 10 points, the loser 5 points and everyone else in between will receive points based on the relative position between the winner player's score and the losing player's score.
I hope this made sense. It does in my head, but putting it into words is something else entirely. Cheers and see you next Tuesday!
Posted by Joe Belanger at 3:04 PM 0 comments