Attendees: Mark, Zeb, Jarrod, Porter, Tanner, Hunter and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
Hunter 7
Joey 6
Mark 3
Brent 1
Jarrod 0
Tanner -2
Jose -3
Zeb -4
Porter -8
This Event's Standings:
Mark 3
Zeb 1
Joey 0
Jarrod 0
Hunter 0
Tanner -1
Porter -3
August's Overall Standings:
Mark 3
Zeb 1
Joey 0
Jarrod 0
Hunter 0
Tanner -1
Porter -3
We divided into two groups tonight; one playing RoboRally and the other playing Tide of Iron.
Unfortunately, I am unable to fill you in on all of the details from the RoboRally game. I, however, took quite a few pictures and hope that you will accept this as an acceptable retelling of the game.
I did receive the placement of each player and watched as Mark and Zeb simultaneously tagged the last flag and the second to the last flag in the same card phase.
I listened on as Porter's last robot was eliminated and Tanner's as well.
If one of the RoboRally players would care to flesh out some of the details in the comments, please do.
Feel free to embellish, I always do.
RoboRally Standings: Mark 3, Zeb 1, Tanner -1, Porter -3
I did participate in the game of Tide of Iron on the other table. We decided to play the last scenario in the scenario book. I played the side of the Americans. Hunter and Jarrod co-played the Germans. This scenario was slow-going. We spent the entire session getting to the end of the fourth turn.
After Porter was eliminated from RoboRally, I took him on as a team-mate. Porter and I managed to take the first pillbox and were diverting toward the second when we decided to call it a draw. We clearly had the advantage for the moment, but the Germans were about to receive a crazy amount of reinforcements. It was still anyone's game.
Tide of Iron Standings: Jarrod 0, Joey 0, Hunter 0, Porter 0
So with a bit of lead, it is Mark's pick next week. See you there!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Game Night #24
Posted by Joe Belanger at 11:15 PM
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RoboRally started out with some early mistakes on the first round. I for one wanted to use four turns to be facing the same direction before moving forward one. I grabbed two u-turns failing to consider that they wouldn't accomplish the same as two right turns. My first move one card put me off the board.
Tanner and Porter didn't consider that they would be turned by the conveyor belts as the conveyors pushed them around a corner. Their fate was not as bad as mine and they managed to survive the first round.
With three out of four of us making mistakes, Mark took off with a great advantage. With everyone out of my way I had a straight shot to catch up with Mark. Tanner and Porter kept maneuvering their robots in circles while trying to get the hang of the conveyor belts.
I finally caught up with Mark and we were really close. I thought I could survive a pushing war with him. The problem was he was already facing me so I was turning to face him while he was pushing me onto the conveyor that would end my second life and start me over.
By this time Tanner had figured out how to move his robot and was well on his way to the first flag. I caught up and was one space away from the first flag, but just after Tanner crossed the first flag he pushed me back and gave me some serious damage. Not wanting to risk my last life I had to take a detour and watch Mark and Tanner still heading on their way. We were then spread out enough that we all wanted to shut down to get rid of our damage.
Tanner made a mistake that cost his last life so the only thing between Mark and I was a lot of open space. I was able to cut his lead in half, but he still won the game by jumping on the third flag the same time I jumped on the second.
wow.... Zeb captured the essence of the game... good job Zeb.. It was an interesting game trying to teach someone else how to play and it was the 1st time we used 3 boards. They were not hard boards but the conveyors got to us and for some it was a help and others it was a hinderance..
We did make a little mistake and forgot the remove the cards that we dealt with the damage we had so we all had a great time using 9 cards the whole game.
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