I like these smaller gatherings; much nicer!
Attendees: Zeb, Mark M., Brent and Joey
Previous Overall Standings:
Zeb 5
Brent 2
Mark M. -1
Brandt -2
Joey -4
This Event's Standings:
Mark M. 2
Joey 1
Zeb 1
Brent -4
October's Overall Standings:
Zeb 6
Mark M. 1
Brent -2
Brandt -2
Joey -3
Zeb arrived first and we played a quick game of Lost Cities. For his first game, Zeb did very well. Erin usually has a hundred point lead on me throughout the game. Zeb was never down more than thirty points or so.
Lost Cities Standings: Joey 1, Zeb -1
Once everyone arrived, we played a game of Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot. I had SO many carrots, but my one and only bunny was killed toward the end of the game and they all went to Mark M. No matter though, the last carrot Zeb got, to end the game, was the winning carrot. Zeb's first time winning Killer Bunnies over here.
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot Standings: Zeb 3, Brent -1, Joey -1, Mark M. -1
Now we settled in for the main event: RoboRally! A three-map, six-flag race! Epic, to say the least! The game started off neck and neck. I managed to secure a HUGE lead and Brent happened to get bad hands pretty consistently. As I was about to tag the second to last flag, I hit a wall that was heretofore unknown to me. That set me back big time; long enough for Mark M. and Zeb to catch up. Mark M. passed me and won. Zeb and I raced, neck and neck, for second place. I barely got it.
RoboRally Standings: Mark M. 3, Joey 1, Zeb -1, Brent -3
Additional Stats
Overall Points Total
Mark M. 15
Zeb 8
Brent 3
Ben 3
Yog-Sothoth 3
Brandt -1
Cthulhu -1
Mark K. -3
Ithaqua -3
James -5
Joey -6
Overall Wins to Played Ratio
Yog-Sothoth 1:1 (100%)
Zeb 12:27 (44%)
Joey 33:91 (36%)
Ben 1:3 (33%)
Mark M. 15:48 (31%)
Brandt 2:8 (25%)
Brent 2:9 (22%)
James 1:8 (12%)
Cthulhu 0:1 (0%)
Mark K. 0:1 (0%)
Ithaqua 0:1 (0%)
October's Wins to Played Ratio
Zeb 3:7 (42%)
Mark M. 2:5 (40%)
Joey 3:8 (37%)
Brandt 0:3 (0%)
Brent 0:3 (0%)
Games Played, Sorted by Popularity
Pirate’s Dice 12
For Sale 7
RoboRally 7
Nexus Ops 4
Formula De 4
Shadows over Camelot 4
Space Dealer 3
Formidable Foes 3
Tide of Iron 3
Arkham Horror 3
Elk Fest 3
Memoir ’44 2
Wings of War: Burning Drachens 2
Hey! That’s My Fish! 2
Crimson Skies 2
Manila 2
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot 2
Lost Cities 2
Conquest of the Empire 1
Poison 1
Twilight Imperium, 3rd Edition 1
Antike 1
Mystery of the Abbey 1
Doom: The Boardgame 1
Fluxx 1
Puerto Rico 1
Nottingham 1
Qwirkle 1
Axis & Allies 1
Ricochet Robots 1
On the Underground 1
China 1
Vampire: Prince of the City 1
Jambo 1
Bang! 1
Mississippi Queen 1
Pirate’s Cove 1
Quelf 1
Ticket to Ride 1
Power Grid 1
Citadels 1
Betrayal at House on the Hill 1
Descent: Journeys in the Dark 1
San Juan 1
Balloon Cup 1
Blokus 1
Colosseum 1
Mmm... Brains 1
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Game Night #33
Posted by Joe Belanger at 10:35 AM
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