Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Game Night #55

Attendees: Jose, Zeb, April and Joey

Previous Overall Standings:
Brent 9.7 (9.7/1)
Jose 8.9 (53.5/6)
April 8.1 (40.7/5)
Zeb 7.9 (39.9/5)
Joey 6.4 (38.4/6)
Mark 6.3 (38.3/6)
Ben 5.0 (5.0/1)

This Event's Standings:
Joey 10.0 (10.0/1)
Jose 9.3 (9.3/1)
April 8.6 (8.6/1)

April's Overall Standings:
Brent 9.7 (9.7/1)
Jose 8.9 (62.8/7)
April 8.2 (49.3/6)
Zeb 7.9 (39.9/5)
Joey 6.9 (48.4/7)
Mark 6.3 (38.3/6)
Ben 5.0 (5.0/1)

So we only played one game last night, but it was epic. We played a game of Settlers of Catan with all of the bells and whistles (Seafarers, Cities and Knights). We played a map where more than half of the map was undiscovered and that section was out to sea. The game started off and we all progressed evenly. Then April and Jose began to edge out into a pretty good lead. As the game began to wrap up, Jose and April were in the 11 to 13 VP range and I was still back at 9 or 10. Then April and I raced to lock down the yellow monument. I was not very nice and ruthlessly locked it down and was able to keep April from winning; and kind of switched places with her, points-wise. Jose got another point as I defended Catan for the victory. I was amazed. This game of Catan was tense and cutthroat. We all were nipping at each other for points and playing very aggressive. I enjoy Catan, but this was the most interesting game of it that I have ever played. And, no, I'm not saying that because I won.
Settlers of Catan Standings:
Joey 10.0 (15 victory points)
Jose 9.3 (14 victory points)
April 8.6 (13 victory points)

Additional Stats
2008 Points Total
Jose 7.8 (94.7/12)
Zeb 7.6 (205.9/27)
Joey 7.526 (308.6/41)
Brent 7.525 (30.1/4)
Ben 7.48 (37.4/5)
Mark 7.22 (187.9/26)
April 7.20 (158.5/22)
Brandt 7.16 (35.8/5)
Erin 7.11 (49.8/7)

Previous Players of the Month
Mark (January)
Zeb (February)
Ben (March)

Games Played in 2008, Sorted by Popularity
Manila 4
Pirate's Cove 2
Hey! That's My Fish! 2
Space Dealer 2
No Thanks! 2
Fairy Tale 2
Railroad Tycoon 2
Gang of Four 1
Chez Geek 1
Hive 1
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot 1
Ticket to Ride 1
Lost Cities 1
Elk Fest 1
Wits and Wagers 1
Puerto Rico 1
Cold War: CIA vs. KGB 1
Formula De 1
Take Stock 1
Nexus Ops 1
Shadows Over Camelot 1
Arkham Horror 1
Twilight Imperium 1
Wings of War 1
Fury of Dracula 1
Space Beans 1
Bang! 1
For Sale 1
Marvel Heroes 1
Before I Kill You, Mr. Bond 1
World of Warcraft 1
Settlers of Catan 1