Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Game Night #16

We had a slow start and a small group tonight, but we got in a couple of my favorite games.

Attendees: Erin, Kyle, Mark and Joey.

Previous Overall Standings:
Zeb 3
Joey -1
Mark -2

This Event's Standings:
Joey 2
Mark 0
Kyle 0
Erin -2

June's Overall Standings:
Zeb 3
Joey 1
Kyle 0
Mark -2
Erin -2

We started off by playing Arkham Horror. We figured if anyone else showed up we could include them on the fly with minimal tweaking. Mark and I started off the game. Mark playing Monterey Jack and I played the doctor guy. We were up against Yog-Sothoth. About and hour or so into the game three things happened: 1.) Mark got a call with a minor emergency that he had to attend to. 2.) Things seriously took a turn for the worse in the game. and 3.) Kyle showed up. Mark tapped the mat and Kyle tagged in. Mark took off to deal with a deadlier threat than Yog. It wasn't long before we went from worse to even worse. Kyle and I then were shortly thereafter devoured by Yog-Sothoth. It was a pretty hopeless game of Arkham Horror. No one scored, because we became Yog-food.
Arkham Horror Standings: Kyle 0, Joey 0, Mark 0

After that we went on to play Formidable Foes. We enlisted Erin, so that we could play without any of the goofball two-player rules. Right from the start, Erin and Kyle began a mini-war against each other leaving me alone to clean up. I would say that this gave me a good lead, but due to how all of the intersections were faced I found myself down a lot of dead ends. Not to mention that Erin and Kyle recognized my lead and decided to use the "Dumbest Player" perk against me very effectively. The game was still tight toward the end. I killed both Prince Fieso and Furunkulus to end the game and the scores were all within five points of each other.
Formidable Foes Standings: Joey 2, Kyle 0, Erin -2

We'll be playing next week at the same time and at the same place. Come join us! Zeb is still at the top of the leader board, so it'll be Zeb's pick next week. See you there!

Images by Andreas Resch and Nicholas Acosta.